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Amazon and Google Declare the Age of Direct Mail is NOT Dead!

Does opening a piece of ‘snail mail’ seem archaic to you? Do you find your mail box overstuffed with ‘junk mail’? Wonder if the billions of pieces of direct mail sent out each year have any positive impact? Do you think stamped paper delivered by U.S. Postal Service (founded in

Telephone Consumer Protection Act Compliance

Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) regulates who can use your phone number and for what purposes. If you are a company that uses phone numbers for marketing purposes, understanding this legislation is a key factor in your company's success. Definitions of some crucial definitions according to this regulation are provided: Telemarketing:

What is API and FTP?

API and FTP While it seems like API and FTP are unique from each other, they in-fact are complementary recourses. API is a way to process data while FTP is a way to transfer data.  Here is more detail on the two processes: Application program interface (API) API is a set of routines,

NCOA – Global Reach

Military Bases There are 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories, including Germany, Honduras, Israel, Italy, Iraq, Japan, Thailand and the Philippines.  While it may seem impossible to reach these bases, unless you are family,  there is actually a way.  NCOA provides the ability to reach people not only

NCOA Suppress: How to Flag Deceased Data Records

The main source for the Deceased Flag is the Social Security Administration (SSA) Death Masterfile.  Here is some information on FreeNCOA’s Deceased file and some info on the SSA. In addition to the SSA Deathmaster, we have integrated other state and federal sources (additional historical SSA records, credit bureau header data,

Update Your Database with NCOA Processing Before Running Any Append

Most people think that NCOA is just for Direct Mail, but it is not.  NCOA processing can greatly improve your match rates on phone appends, email appends, and demographic appends. Typically, about 20% of households move each year. Keeping track of move updates and data changes is a constant challenge for

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